The Boston Event and Human Experience

"My Belief Explored" Meditation, A.D. Vander Vliet, 2013-04-21.

Terror arises when our daily world is interrupted
the daily fabric of experience torn to tatters,
with the familiar cast asunder,
sharding our knowns to shreds.

As we were thralled by week-long events unfolding
drawn along by the afar, which could've happened here.
We rode the waves of horror and compassion
bouncing from bewilderment and vengeance, to hope, despair and admiration,
to come to rest in some solace, at last.

But now the WHY lurks looming overhead,
haunting us and urging to fathom this human violence
striking with such sudden swiftness here and now,
while deliberate and relentless at some other place and time.

How do we come to understand this human violence and
bend its unbridled power to benefit?